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Home Articles Choosing Your San Antonio Granite Backsplash

Choosing Your San Antonio Granite Backsplash

01 Evo Granite Pictures

One of the most important things to consider when you’re designing a kitchen is what sort of backsplash to install. For one thing, backsplashes will do a lot to help with the cleaning of your kitchen. Also, the area behind your stove, sink, and countertops is very open and eye-catching. So making sure it’s attractive is one way to make sure the entire kitchen looks good. Granite is a timelessly attractive material, and it’s also incredibly durable and very easy to clean. Here are some ideas you can use when installing a granite backsplash:

Carefully choose your color combinations.

The color of your San Antonio granite backsplash is one of the most important considerations you can make. Making sure they match your countertops is important, but you may also want to mix it up. Black, white, and brown are all timeless and non-trendy colors, and any schemes that utilize these will be attractive. Plus, you won’t end up replacing them in a few years because the colors went out of style.

You’ll also want to make sure you’re using colors that bring other aspects of your kitchen out. And if you want more color in your kitchen, blue, green, and red are also good choices for San Antonio granite backsplashes. Most of the time, you’ll just want to make sure the color varies at least slightly from your countertops.

Think about size and space.

In a larger space, you can afford to use larger tiles. If you have a smaller space for the backsplash, you’ll want to use smaller tiles. Using smaller tiles for your San Antonio granite backsplash will mean you can more tiles, and that will make the space feel larger. You may also want to mismatch the tiles to add variety to your design. As with colors, try not to use any trendy patterns that you’ll end up regretting in just a few short years.


If you’re trying to create a San Antonio granite backsplash that’s unique and attractive, you’ll want to try out a few different approaches. Try using different sized tiles, or even different shapes. Perhaps you’ll want to create some idiosyncrasy by adding rectangles into the pattern along with squares. Arrange the tiles on a different surface to see how the pattern will look before you fix them permanently to the wall. Make sure the pattern looks good as it continues and that you’ll be able to complete the project with clean and even grout lines.

Choosing your San Antonio granite backsplash design is fairly simple. And when it comes down to it, if you like the design and it’s doing its job, then it’s a success. Call us today if you’re looking for design help or if you’re ready for installation.

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